081 851 2585


We have a special interest in Ergonomics, Biomechanics and Adolescents or Children struggling with pain.

Adolescents and Pain

All adolescents go through a growth spurt. During this time, they can experience pain that may be worrisome to parents. In some cases, this type of pain can have a long term effect. Growth pains include Osgood Schlatter, Sever’s or Scheuerman’s. Teenagers can also get postural dysfunction and back pain during puberty. Your physiotherapist can assist you in identifying whether this pain will subside over time, or whether it could be more serious. Most teenagers respond very well to manual therapy and exercise.

Children with Pain

This is an ever realistic trend amongst the youth, as a result of the lifestyle demands placed on the growing child. Children with pain include the imbalanced athlete, the over-loaded scholar with a back pack, as well as the inactive Playstation/computer gamer, let alone the cellphone users. Early intervention and education to overcome these imbalances are key to prevent a future generation of poor posture and pain.

Advice for most children: Have a balance between activity, inactivity and the type of activity performed. Enough sleep is vital for cognitive tasks and can also prevent injuries.


Ergonomics can be roughly translated to the laws of work. This is based on making the person doing the work as efficient as possible, while still maintaining or improving productivity or workload. When this balance is not correct, the individual may be placed at risk of injury. With the demands placed on the individual at the work place, many suffer from overuse injuries due to sustained postures. We are able to assess the individual, the task and the equipment and make sure that the individual is not placed at risk of injury in order to complete the task. Educating the individuals on the correct ergonomics and their roles is vital to make a change. Even the best set up is ineffective if the user is not educated.

Health Days and Education

Educating the individual doing the task is vitally important in order to apply ergonomic principles and prevent injuries. Speak to Immelman and Redivo Physiotherapy about attending Health Days and educating your staff.

Work Place Assessment

Ergonomic lectures, work station assessment and recommendations can be arranged for you at the work place. The patient receives ergonomic advice in the room, with the specific problem being treated, in mind.

Advice for the office worker: limit/reduce static sitting, and create a balance between sitting and movement and establish a work station that is as ideal as possible.

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